results: 研究发现,在非对称温度场下,传统温度成像不能正确地恢复纹理,而TeX视力则能够成功地缓解阴影效应并恢复纹理。此外,研究还发现了一些关键尚未研究的TeX视力理论问题,并在实际可行的Bayer滤光器设置下实现了一种真正的夜视如白天的效果。Abstract
Thermal imaging can enable night vision but is usually textureless, well-known as the ghosting effect. The mechanism of this ghosting effect has recently been explained, and TeX vision has been proposed to overcome the ghosting effect. However, it is still unknown for realistic scenarios with non-uniform temperature whether TeX vision can correctly recover geometric textures and how its performance is compared with traditional thermal imaging. Here, we focus on the interplay of geometric textures and non-uniform temperature which is common in realistic thermal imaging, and demonstrate the failure of traditional approaches while TeX vision successfully recovers geometric textures. We also analyze important yet unexplored aspects of the TeX vision theory, and demonstrate a true night vision like broad daylight with the experimentally more feasible Bayer-filter setup. This deepens the understanding of the ghosting effect and bridges the gap between the TeX vision theory and the consumer thermal-imaging market.
热成像可以启用夜视,但通常无Texture,这被称为幽灵效果。这种幽灵效果的机制最近才得到了解释,而TeX视力被提议以消除幽灵效果。然而,在非一致温度的实际场景中,TeX视力是否能正确地恢复Geometric texture和与传统热成像相比如何perform的还未得到了确定的答案。在这里,我们关注了Geometric texture和非一致温度之间的互动,并证明传统方法失败,而TeX视力成功地恢复Geometric texture。我们还分析了TeX vision理论中尚未被探索的重要方面,并在 Bayer-filter 设置下实现了真正的夜视如白天一般。这有助于深入理解幽灵效果,并将TeX vision理论和消费者热成像市场之间的空难 bridged。