results: 本文通过实验和数学模拟表明,使用了filter synthesis方法可以实现高精度的Integrated planar low-pass filters,并且其传输特性与理论和模拟结果一致。Abstract
At terahertz (THz) frequencies there are few experimental works which demonstrate filter synthesis to obtain a desired filter response (i.e., Chebyshev, Butterworth, Bessel, etc.). Currently, the majority of literature perform THz filter analysis, that is, characterizing the filter response after design procedure. In this paper, we apply filter synthesis methods from microwave engineering to design several integrated planar low-pass filters fc = 0.8 THz). We find that the transmission characteristics align with theory and simulation.
在tera哈兹(THz)频率范围内,有很少的实验室工作展示了filter synthesis的应用,以实现想要的filter响应(例如Chebyshev、Butterworth、Bessel等)。目前,大多数 литера献都是THz范围内的filter分析,即在设计过程后对filter响应进行 characterization。在这篇文章中,我们通过微波工程学中的filter synthesis方法,设计了一些集成式平面低通filter(fc = 0.8 THz)。我们发现,传输特性与理论和仿真结果一致。Note: "tera哈兹" (tera哈兹) is the Simplified Chinese term for "terahertz".
Cache-assisted Mobile Edge Computing over Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks for Extended Reality Applications
paper_authors: Seonghoon Yoo, Seongah Jeong, Jeongbin Kim, Joonhyuk Kang for:* 提供一个基于现代6G技术和互联网络的扩展现实(XRI)系统,以提供更加真实的新用户体验和对现实世界的浸润。methods:* 使用网页边缘计算(MEC)系统,包括两种边缘服务器:一种位于无人飞行器(UAV)上,另一种位于低地球轨道(LEO)上,并具有快照和多个地面XRI设备的缓存。results:* 提出一个统一优化方法,包括UAV轨道估计、资源分配和下传决策,以最大化系统能效,并遵循延迟限制和UAV的运作限制。Please note that the above information is in Simplified Chinese.Abstract
Extended reality-enabled Internet of Things (XRI) provides the new user experience and the sense of immersion by adding virtual elements to the real world through Internet of Things (IoT) devices and emerging 6G technologies. However, the computational-intensive XRI tasks are challenging for the energy-constrained small-size XRI devices to cope with, and moreover certain data requires centralized computing that needs to be shared among users. To this end, we propose a cache-assisted space-air-ground integrated network mobile edge computing (SAGIN-MEC) system for XRI applications, consisting of two types of edge servers mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and low Earth orbit (LEO) equipped with cache and the multiple ground XRI devices. For system efficiency, the four different offloading procedures of the XRI data are considered according to the type of information, i.e., shared data and private data, as well as the offloading decision and the caching status. Specifically, the private data can be offloaded to either UAV or LEO, while the offloading decision of the shared data to the LEO can be determined by the caching status. With the aim of maximizing the energy efficiency of the overall system, we jointly optimize UAV trajectory, resource allocation and offloading decisions under latency constraints and UAV's operational limitations by using the alternating optimization (AO)-based method along with Dinkelbach algorithm and successive convex optimization (SCA). Via numerical results, the proposed algorithm is verified to have the superior performance compared to conventional partial optimizations or without cache.
伸展实现现实(XRI)通过互联网物联网(IoT)设备和emerging 6G技术添加虚拟元素到实际世界中,提供新的用户体验和吸引力。然而,XRI任务具有计算沉重的问题,许多小型XRI设备无法承受,而且一些数据需要中央计算,需要在用户之间分享。为解决这个问题,我们提议一个缓存助手的空间空中地球多边计算(SAGIN-MEC)系统,包括两种类型的边缘服务器,分别安装在无人飞行器(UAV)和低地球轨道(LEO)上,并具有缓存和多个地面XRI设备。为了提高系统的效率,我们考虑了XRI数据的四种卸载过程,根据数据的类型和卸载决策,以及缓存状态。 Specifically,私有数据可以卸载到UAV或LEO上,而LEO上的卸载决策可以根据缓存状态。为了最大化整体系统的能效性,我们使用 alternating optimization(AO)基于方法, along with Dinkelbach algorithm和 successive convex optimization(SCA),并对偏振率和资源分配做joint优化。通过数字结果,我们的算法被证明为比传统的部分优化或无缓存情况下表现更好。
Sub-Array Selection in Full-Duplex Massive MIMO for Enhanced Self-Interference Suppression
results: 实验结果表明,提出的min-SI扩散方案可以在FD mMIMO系统中实现SI干扰suppression达78 dB。Abstract
This study considers a novel full-duplex (FD) massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) system using hybrid beamforming (HBF) architecture, which allows for simultaneous uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) transmission over the same frequency band. Particularly, our objective is to mitigate the strong self-interference (SI) solely on the design of UL and DL RF beamforming stages jointly with sub-array selection (SAS) for transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) sub-arrays at base station (BS). Based on the measured SI channel in an anechoic chamber, we propose a min-SI beamforming scheme with SAS, which applies perturbations to the beam directivity to enhance SI suppression in UL and DL beam directions. To solve this challenging nonconvex optimization problem, we propose a swarm intelligence-based algorithmic solution to find the optimal perturbations as well as the Tx and Rx sub-arrays to minimize SI subject to the directivity degradation constraints for the UL and DL beams. The results show that the proposed min-SI BF scheme can achieve SI suppression as high as 78 dB in FD mMIMO systems.
Terahertz-Band Direction Finding With Beam-Split and Mutual Coupling Calibration
paper_authors: Ahmet M. Elbir, Kumar Vijay Mishra, Symeon Chatzinotas for: 这篇论文旨在研究用于第六代无线系统(6G)的teraHertz(THz)频段。methods: 论文使用了一种基于数组的方法,模型了束点分散和相互干扰,并使用了多个信号分类算法来进行方向来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来来 here is the proposed CREAM-MUSIC approach accurately estimates the DoAs in the presence of beam-split and mutual coupling.results: 通过数字仿真,论文显示了该方法可以准确地估计DoAs在束点分散和相互干扰的情况下。Abstract
Terahertz (THz) band is currently envisioned as the key building block to achieving the future sixth generation (6G) wireless systems. The ultra-wide bandwidth and very narrow beamwidth of THz systems offer the next order of magnitude in user densities and multi-functional behavior. However, wide bandwidth results in a frequency-dependent beampattern causing the beams generated at different subcarriers split and point to different directions. Furthermore, mutual coupling degrades the system's performance. This paper studies the compensation of both beam-split and mutual coupling for direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation by modeling the beam-split and mutual coupling as an array imperfection. We propose a subspace-based approach using multiple signal classification with CalibRated for bEAam-split and Mutual coupling (CREAM-MUSIC) algorithm for this purpose. Via numerical simulations, we show the proposed CREAM-MUSIC approach accurately estimates the DoAs in the presence of beam-split and mutual coupling.
特拉赫频率(THz)带是未来第六代(6G)无线系统的关键构建元素。THz系统的超宽频率和非常窄的发射束宽提供下一个级别的用户密度和多功能行为。然而,广频率会导致频率相互依赖的束宽分裂,使得在不同的子报文上生成的束点分别指向不同的方向。此外,相互干扰会下降系统性能。这篇论文研究了补偿束宽分裂和相互干扰的方向到来(DoA)估计方法,将束宽分裂和相互干扰视为阵列不准确性。我们提议使用多个信号分类的SUBSPACE-basedapproach,并使用CalibRated for bEAam-split and Mutual coupling(CREAM-MUSIC)算法来实现这一目标。通过数值仿真,我们示出了提议的CREAM-MUSIC方法可以准确地估计DoAs在束宽分裂和相互干扰的情况下。
Real-Time Non-Invasive Imaging and Detection of Spreading Depolarizations through EEG: An Ultra-Light Explainable Deep Learning Approach
paper_authors: Yinzhe Wu, Sharon Jewell, Xiaodan Xing, Yang Nan, Anthony J. Strong, Guang Yang, Martyn G. Boutelle
for: 避免次次脑损伤,尤其是通过扩散电化学现象(SD)的检测。
methods: 利用脑电图(EEG)的信号处理和多模态深度学习网络,实现非侵入式SD检测。
results: 提出了一种新的ultra-light-weight多模态深度学习网络,可以融合EEG特征图像和时间能量 вектор,以提高SD检测精度。Abstract
A core aim of neurocritical care is to prevent secondary brain injury. Spreading depolarizations (SDs) have been identified as an important independent cause of secondary brain injury. SDs are usually detected using invasive electrocorticography recorded at high sampling frequency. Recent pilot studies suggest a possible utility of scalp electrodes generated electroencephalogram (EEG) for non-invasive SD detection. However, noise and attenuation of EEG signals makes this detection task extremely challenging. Previous methods focus on detecting temporal power change of EEG over a fixed high-density map of scalp electrodes, which is not always clinically feasible. Having a specialized spectrogram as an input to the automatic SD detection model, this study is the first to transform SD identification problem from a detection task on a 1-D time-series wave to a task on a sequential 2-D rendered imaging. This study presented a novel ultra-light-weight multi-modal deep-learning network to fuse EEG spectrogram imaging and temporal power vectors to enhance SD identification accuracy over each single electrode, allowing flexible EEG map and paving the way for SD detection on ultra-low-density EEG with variable electrode positioning. Our proposed model has an ultra-fast processing speed (<0.3 sec). Compared to the conventional methods (2 hours), this is a huge advancement towards early SD detection and to facilitate instant brain injury prognosis. Seeing SDs with a new dimension - frequency on spectrograms, we demonstrated that such additional dimension could improve SD detection accuracy, providing preliminary evidence to support the hypothesis that SDs may show implicit features over the frequency profile.
❗注意:以下文本使用了简化字体。 neuroscience critical care 的核心目标是避免次次脑损伤。广泛的电化学变化 (SDs) 已被证明为次次脑损伤的重要独立原因。 SDs 通常通过高频率的电rocorticography 进行检测。Recent pilot studies 表明,可能通过非侵入式 EEG 来检测 SD。然而,EEG 信号噪音和弱化会使检测任务变得极其困难。 previous methods 主要是通过固定高密度电极地图来检测 EEG 时间能量的变化,这并不总是临床可行。本研究是首次将 SD 识别问题转化为一个在二维图像上进行的Sequential 任务,并使用特殊的spectrogram作为输入。我们提出了一种ultra-light-weight multi-modal deep-learning网络,用于融合 EEG spectrogram 图像和时间能量向量,以提高 SD 识别精度。我们的模型具有ultra-快处理速度(<0.3秒),与传统方法(2小时)相比,这是一个巨大的进步,可以帮助早期 SD 识别和实时脑损伤诊断。通过在spectrogram 图像上看到 SDs 的频谱特征,我们表明了频谱特征的存在可以提高 SD 识别精度,这提供了初步的证据支持 SDs 可能会在频谱 Profiling 中显示出隐藏的特征。
paper_authors: Sinwoo Cho, Omar Barrera, Pietro Simeoni, Emily N. Marshall, Jack Kramer, Keisuke Motoki, Tzu-Hsuan Hsu, Vakhtang Chulukhadze, Matteo Rinaldi, W. Alan Doolittle, Ruochen Lu
for: This paper aims to improve the frequency scaling of sputtered ScAlN into mmWave and proposes a new fabrication procedure.
methods: The paper uses sputtered Sc0.3Al0.7N on Al on Si carrier wafer and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify the bottlenecks in the existing piezoelectric-metal stack.
results: The resonator achieves electromechanical coupling (k2) of 7.0% and quality factor (Q) of 62 for the first-order symmetric (S1) mode at 21.4 GHz, along with k2 of 4.0% and Q of 19 for the third-order symmetric (S3) mode at 55.4 GHz, showing higher figures of merit (FoM, k2xQ) than reported AlN/ScAlN-based mmWave acoustic resonators.Abstract
This work reports a millimeter wave (mmWave) thin-film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) in sputtered scandium aluminum nitride (ScAlN). This paper identifies challenges of frequency scaling sputtered ScAlN into mmWave and proposes a stack and new fabrication procedure with a sputtered Sc0.3Al0.7N on Al on Si carrier wafer. The resonator achieves electromechanical coupling (k2) of 7.0% and quality factor (Q) of 62 for the first-order symmetric (S1) mode at 21.4 GHz, along with k2 of 4.0% and Q of 19 for the third-order symmetric (S3) mode at 55.4 GHz, showing higher figures of merit (FoM, k2xQ) than reported AlN/ScAlN-based mmWave acoustic resonators. The ScAlN quality is identified by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), identifying the bottlenecks in the existing piezoelectric-metal stack. Further improvement of ScAlN/AlN-based mmWave acoustic resonators calls for better crystalline quality from improved thin-film deposition methods.
NUV-DoA: NUV Prior-based Bayesian Sparse Reconstruction with Spatial Filtering for Super-Resolution DoA Estimation
results: 实验证明了NUV-DoA的优越性,特别在低SNR情况下,与其他DoA估计器相比。Abstract
Achieving high-resolution Direction of Arrival (DoA) recovery typically requires high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and a sufficiently large number of snapshots. This paper presents NUV-DoA algorithm, that augments Bayesian sparse reconstruction with spatial filtering for super-resolution DoA estimation. By modeling each direction on the azimuth's grid with the sparsity-promoting normal with unknown variance (NUV) prior, the non-convex optimization problem is reduced to iteratively reweighted least-squares under Gaussian distribution, where the mean of the snapshots is a sufficient statistic. This approach not only simplifies our solution but also accurately detects the DoAs. We utilize a hierarchical approach for interference cancellation in multi-source scenarios. Empirical evaluations show the superiority of NUV-DoA, especially in low SNRs, compared to alternative DoA estimators.
得到高分辨率方向来源(DoA)重建通常需要高信号噪声比(SNR)和足够多的拍照。这篇论文介绍了NUV-DoA算法,它将柔谐重建与空间滤波结合以实现超分辨率DoA估计。通过对每个方向在方位网格上使用不确定 variance(NUV)前提,非 convex 优化问题被降低到轮循权重最小二乘问题,其中抽样均值是sufficient statistic。这种方法不仅简化了我们的解决方案,而且准确地检测到DoAs。我们在多源场景中采用层次方法进行干扰抑制。实验证明NUV-DoA在低SNR下表现更出色,与其他DoA估计器相比。
Purposeful Co-Design of OFDM Signals for Ranging and Communications
methods: 本研究使用了谱函数积分 bound,概率失效概率,以及Ziv-Zakai bound on range estimation variance来量化这些负面特性。
results: 研究结果显示,通过根据 derive bounds来做Pareto优化设计选择,可以提高通信吞吐量、失败概率和范围估计方差之间的质量负面。不同的信号设计策略的Pareto优化设计选择也是受通道condition所影响的。Abstract
This paper analyzes the fundamental trade-offs that occur in the co-design of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing signals for both ranging (via time-of-arrival estimation) and communications. These trade-offs are quantified through the Shannon capacity bound, probability of outage, and the Ziv-Zakai bound on range estimation variance. Bounds are derived for signals experiencing frequency-selective Rayleigh block fading, accounting for the impact of limited channel knowledge and multi-antenna reception. Uncompensated carrier frequency offset and phase errors are also factored into the capacity bounds. Analysis based on the derived bounds demonstrates how Pareto-optimal design choices can be made to optimize the communication throughput, probability of outage, and ranging variance. Different signal design strategies are then analyzed, showing how Pareto-optimal design choices change depending on the channel.
Here is the text in Simplified Chinese:这篇论文分析了在共同设计Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing信号时存在的基本贸易offs。这些贸易offs通过Shannon容量 bound、抗干扰率和Ziv-Zakai bound on range estimation variance来量化。分析考虑了频率选择性的Rayleigh块折射,以及有限通道知识和多antenna接收。此外,也考虑了不归还调制频率偏移和相位错误。结果表明,可以通过Pareto优化的设计选择来优化通信吞吐量、抗干扰率和距离估计variance,而不同的信号设计策略会因渠道而异。
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Space Shift Keying With Imperfect CSI
paper_authors: Xusheng Zhu, Wen Chen, Qingqing Wu, Zhendong Li, Jun Li, Shunqing Zhang, Ming Ding
for: This paper investigates the performance of reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided spatial shift keying (SSK) wireless communication systems in the presence of imperfect channel state information (CSI).
methods: The paper analyzes the average bit error probability (ABEP) of two RIS-SSK systems, one based on intelligent reflection and the other based on blind reflection of the RIS. The authors use maximum likelihood (ML) detection and derive the conditional pairwise error probability of the composite channel, as well as the probability density function of the combined channel.
results: The paper derives closed-form and asymptotic expressions for the ABEP of the RIS-SSK system with imperfect CSI, and explores the impact of discrete reflection phase shifts on the system’s performance. The authors validate their analytical derivations using Monte Carlo simulations.Abstract
In this paper, we investigate the performance of reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided spatial shift keying (SSK) wireless communication systems in the presence of imperfect channel state information (CSI). Specifically, we analyze the average bit error probability (ABEP) of two RIS-SSK systems respectively based on intelligent reflection and blind reflection of RIS. For the intelligent RIS-SSK scheme, we first derive the conditional pairwise error probability of the composite channel through maximum likelihood (ML) detection. Subsequently, we derive the probability density function of the combined channel. Due to the intricacies of the composite channel formulation, an exact closed-form ABEP expression is unattainable through direct derivation. To this end, we resort to employing the Gaussian-Chebyshev quadrature method to estimate the results. In addition, we employ the Q-function approximation to derive the non-exact closed-form expression when CSI imperfections are present. For the blind RIS-SSK scheme, we derive both closed-form ABEP expression and asymptotic ABEP expression with imperfect CSI by adopting the ML detector. To offer deeper insights, we explore the impact of discrete reflection phase shifts on the performance of the RIS-SSK system. Lastly, we extensively validate all the analytical derivations using Monte Carlo simulations.
在这篇论文中,我们研究了带有不完全的通道状态信息(CSI)的快速智能表面(RIS)协助的空间偏移键(SSK)无线通信系统的性能。 Specifically,我们分析了两种基于智能反射和盲反射的RIS-SSK系统的平均比特错误率(ABEP)。 对于智能RIS-SSK方案,我们首先 derivated了最大可信度检测(ML)后的 conditional pairwise error probability of the composite channel。然后,我们 derivated the probability density function of the combined channel。由于composite channel的形式复杂,直接 derivation无法得到准确的闭式表达。为此,我们使用Gaussian-Chebyshev quadrature方法来估计结果。此外,我们使用Q-函数approximation来 derivethe non-exact closed-form expression when CSI imperfections are present。 对于盲RIS-SSK方案,我们 derivated both closed-form ABEP expression and asymptotic ABEP expression with imperfect CSI by adopting the ML detector。为了深入了解,我们探讨了RIS-SSK系统中的Discrete reflection phase shifts的影响。最后,我们使用Monte Carlo simulations extensively validate all the analytical derivations。
Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning Based Kalman Filters
results: 数值研究表明,这三种方法可以在DNNs-aided KFs中提取错误 covariance,其中模型基础/数据驱动设计具有最高准确性的错误预测。Abstract
Various algorithms combine deep neural networks (DNNs) and Kalman filters (KFs) to learn from data to track in complex dynamics. Unlike classic KFs, DNN-based systems do not naturally provide the error covariance alongside their estimate, which is of great importance in some applications, e.g., navigation. To bridge this gap, in this work we study error covariance extraction in DNN-aided KFs. We examine three main approaches that are distinguished by the ability to associate internal features with meaningful KF quantities such as the Kalman gain (KG) and prior covariance. We identify the differences between these approaches in their requirements and their effect on the training of the system. Our numerical study demonstrates that the above approaches allow DNN-aided KFs to extract error covariance, with most accurate error prediction provided by model-based/data-driven designs.
各种算法结合深度神经网络(DNN)和卡尔曼筛(KF)来学习从数据中跟踪复杂动态。不同于传统KF,DNN基本系统不会自然提供错误covariance的估计,这在一些应用中,如导航,是非常重要的。为了bridging这个差距,在这项工作中我们研究DNN帮助KF中的错误covariance提取。我们检查了三种主要的方法,这些方法通过与KF量可以关联内部特征,如卡尔曼增益(KG)和先验 covariance。我们描述了这些方法的不同之处,以及它们对系统训练的影响。我们的数字研究表明,以上三种方法可以让DNN帮助KF提取错误covariance,并且使用数据驱动/模型驱动的设计可以提供最准确的错误预测。
results: 研究结果表明,Upper mid-band Cellular 系统在高密度城市环境下可以获得更高的吞吐量和覆盖范围,但需要与现有的卫星通信、军事RADAR和天文学 radiolocation 等频率分享spectrum。此外,由于传播特性和宽频带特性,Cellular 系统需要具备智能感知和利用大空间和频率度 freedom。Abstract
The upper mid-band -- roughly from 7 to 24 GHz -- has attracted considerable recent interest for new cellular services. This frequency range has vastly more spectrum than the highly congested bands below 7 GHz while offering more favorable propagation and coverage than the millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. Realizing the full potential of these bands, however, will require fundamental changes to the design of cellular systems. Most importantly, spectrum will likely need to be shared with incumbents including communication satellites, military RADAR, and radio astronomy. Also, due to the wide bandwidth, directional nature of transmission, and intermittent occupancy of incumbents, cellular systems will need to be agile to sense and intelligently use large spatial and bandwidth degrees of freedom. This paper attempts to provide an initial assessment of the feasibility and potential gains of wideband cellular systems operating in the upper mid-band. The study includes: (1) a system study to assess potential gains of multi-band systems in a representative dense urban environment; (2) propagation calculations to assess potential cross interference between satellites and terrestrial cellular services; and (3) design and evaluation of a compact multi-band antenna array structure. Leveraging these preliminary results, we identify potential future research directions to realize next-generation systems in these frequencies.
上层中频带(约7-24GHz)在最近吸引了许多关注,用于新的mobile服务。这个频率范围具有许多谱 spectrum比下7GHz的频率带,而且具有更有利的宽频率和覆盖范围,相比于毫米波(mmWave)频率。但是,实现这些频率带的全部潜力需要基础设施的重大改进。主要是,需要与现有的卫星通信、军用RADAR和广播天文学分享频率。此外,由于宽频率、指向性传输和干扰者占用的不定期, cellular系统需要具备较强的感知和智能使用大空间和频率度量积。本文尝试提供初步评估宽频 cellular系统在上述频率带的可能性和优势。研究包括:1. 多频率系统的系统研究,以评估高密度城市环境中的可能性提升。2. 卫星和地面cellular服务之间的干扰计算,以评估干扰的可能性。3. 一种多频率天线阵列结构的设计和评估。基于这些初步结果,我们标识了未来研究的可能方向,以实现下一代系统在这些频率带。
paper_authors: Qipeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang for:* 这篇论文的目的是研究基站使用智能反射面(IRS)助手的精细感知和通信(ISAC)系统中的角度估计问题。methods:* 该论文提出了一种创新的方法,通过设计用户消息模式和IRS反射模式,将空间域接收信号转化为时间域多维ensional信号,以便使用经典的MUSIC算法估计信号从用户到IRS的角度。results:* 研究发现,通过采用该方法,可以准确地估计信号从用户到IRS的角度,并且可以利用IRS作为块来实现精细感知和通信。Abstract
Based on the signals received across its antennas, a multi-antenna base station (BS) can apply the classic multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm for estimating the angle of arrivals (AOAs) of its incident signals. This method can be leveraged to localize the users if their line-of-sight (LOS) paths to the BS are available. In this paper, we consider a more challenging AOA estimation setup in the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system, where LOS paths do not exist between the BS and the users, while the users' signals can be transmitted to the BS merely via their LOS paths to the IRS as well as the LOS path from the IRS to the BS. Specifically, we treat the IRS as the anchor and are interested in estimating the AOAs of the incident signals from the users to the IRS. Note that we have to achieve the above goal based on the signals received by the BS, because the passive IRS cannot process its received signals. However, the signals received across different antennas of the BS only contain AOA information of its incident signals via the LOS path from the IRS to the BS. To tackle this challenge arising from the spatial-domain received signals, we propose an innovative approach to create temporal-domain multi-dimension received signals for estimating the AOAs of the paths from the users to the IRS. Specifically, via a proper design of the user message pattern and the IRS reflecting pattern, we manage to show that our designed temporal-domain multi-dimension signals can be surprisingly expressed as a function of the virtual steering vectors of the IRS towards the users. This amazing result implies that the classic MUSIC algorithm can be applied to our designed temporal-domain multi-dimension signals for accurately estimating the AOAs of the signals from the users to the IRS.
基于其天线接收的信号,一个多天线基站(BS)可以应用经典的多信号分类(MUSIC)算法来估算它所接收的信号的方向来归一化(AOA)。这种方法可以用来地理位置用户,如果用户的直线视线(LOS)路径与BS存在。在这篇论文中,我们考虑了更加具有挑战性的AOA估算设置在智能反射表(IRS)帮助的 интеграted感知通信(ISAC)系统中,其中用户与BS之间没有直线视线路径,而用户的信号可以仅通过它们的LOS路径到IRS以及IRS到BS的LOS路径传输到BS。 specifically,我们将IRS作为固定点,并关注估算它所接收的信号的AOA。注意,我们需要基于BS接收的信号来实现以上目标,因为被动的IRS无法处理其接收信号。然而,BS接收到不同天线的信号只包含AOA信息,它们的incident信号通过IRS到BS的LOS路径传输。为了解决这种在空间频域接收信号中出现的挑战,我们提出了一种创新的方法,即通过适当的用户消息模式和IRS反射模式的设计,将空间频域接收信号转换为时间频域多维度信号,以便使用经典的MUSIC算法来准确地估算用户到IRS信号的AOA。这个优等结果表明,我们设计的时间频域多维度信号可以Surprisingly表示为IRS对用户的虚投影向量的函数。这个优等结果意味着我们可以使用经典的MUSIC算法来估算用户到IRS信号的AOA。
Bi-Linear Homogeneity Enforced Calibration for Pipelined ADCs
results: 这个论文通过了simulation来验证HEC Approach和BL-HEC Approach的稳定性和准确性。Abstract
Pipelined analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are key enablers in many state-of-the-art signal processing systems with high sampling rates. In addition to high sampling rates, such systems often demand a high linearity. To meet these challenging linearity requirements, ADC calibration techniques were heavily investigated throughout the past decades. One limitation in ADC calibration is the need for a precisely known test signal. In our previous work, we proposed the homogeneity enforced calibration (HEC) approach, which circumvents this need by consecutively feeding a test signal and a scaled version of it into the ADC. The calibration itself is performed using only the corresponding output samples, such that the test signal can remain unknown. On the downside, the HEC approach requires the option to accurately scale the test signal, impeding an on-chip implementation. In this work, we provide a thorough analysis of the HEC approach, including the effects of an inaccurately scaled test signal. Furthermore, the bi-linear homogeneity enforced calibration (BL-HEC) approach is introduced and suggested to account for an inaccurate scaling and, therefore, to facilitate an on-chip implementation. In addition, a comprehensive stability and convergence analysis of the BL-HEC approach is carried out. Finally, we verify our concept with simulations.
Multi-Device Task-Oriented Communication via Maximal Coding Rate Reduction
results: 我们的方法在synthetic和实际数据集上实现了较高的性能,与多个基准值进行比较。Abstract
Task-oriented communication offers ample opportunities to alleviate the communication burden in next-generation wireless networks. Most existing work designed the physical-layer communication modules and learning-based codecs with distinct objectives: learning is targeted at accurate execution of specific tasks, while communication aims at optimizing conventional communication metrics, such as throughput maximization, delay minimization, or bit error rate minimization. The inconsistency between the design objectives may hinder the exploitation of the full benefits of task-oriented communications. In this paper, we consider a specific task-oriented communication system for multi-device edge inference over a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple-access channel, where the learning (i.e., feature encoding and classification) and communication (i.e., precoding) modules are designed with the same goal of inference accuracy maximization. Instead of end-to-end learning which involves both the task dataset and wireless channel during training, we advocate a separate design of learning and communication to achieve the consistent goal. Specifically, we leverage the maximal coding rate reduction (MCR2) objective as a surrogate to represent the inference accuracy, which allows us to explicitly formulate the precoding optimization problem. We cast valuable insights into this formulation and develop a block coordinate descent (BCD) solution algorithm. Moreover, the MCR2 objective also serves the loss function of the feature encoding network, based on which we characterize the received features as a Gaussian mixture (GM) model, facilitating a maximum a posteriori (MAP) classifier to infer the result. Simulation results on both the synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method compared to various baselines.
任务强调通信可以减轻下一代无线网络中的通信压力。现有大部分工作都是设计物理层通信模块和学习型编码器,其目标是准确执行特定任务,而通信则是优化传统通信指标,如吞吐量最大化、延迟最小化或比特错误率最小化。这种目标之间的不一致可能会阻碍利用任务强调通信的全部优势。在本文中,我们考虑了一种特定的任务强调通信系统,用于多设备边缘推理over multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO)多Access通道。在这个系统中,学习(即特征编码和分类)和通信(即precoding)模块都是设计于最大化推理准确性的目标。而不是沿用end-to-end学习,我们提议分离学习和通信的设计,以实现一致的目标。具体来说,我们利用最大编码率减少(MCR2)目标作为推理准确性的代表,从而直接化precoding优化问题。我们对这个问题提出了值得关注的探讨,并开发了块坐标下降(BCD)解决方案。此外,MCR2目标还服务了特征编码网络的损失函数,基于这个损失函数,我们描述了接收特征为 Gaussian Mixture(GM)模型,从而实现最大 posteriori(MAP)分类器来推理结果。实验结果表明,提议的方法在synthetic和实际数据集上比多个基准方法表现出更高的性能。
Symmetric-Reciprocal-Match Method for Vector Network Analyzer Calibration
results: 我们通过使用商业化短开载反射(SOLR)测量工具和验证标准进行数值示例和实验验证了提议方法的准确性。该方法的优点在于只需定义匹配标准,其余标准则可以通过对称性或对偶性进行定义。Abstract
This paper proposes a new approach, the symmetric-reciprocal-match (SRM) method, for calibrating vector network analyzers (VNAs). The method involves using multiple symmetric one-port loads, a two-port reciprocal device, and a matched load. The load standards consist of two-port symmetric one-port devices, and at least three unique loads are used. However, the specific impedances of the loads are not specified. The reciprocal device can be any transmissive device, although a non-reciprocal device can also be used if only the one-port error boxes are of interest. The matched load is fully defined and can be asymmetric. We numerically demonstrated the proposed method's accuracy with synthetic data and with measurements of coaxial standards using a commercial short-open-load-reciprocal (SOLR) calibration kit with verification standards. An advantage of the proposed method is that only the match standard is defined, whereas the remaining standards are partially defined, either through symmetry or reciprocity.
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Non-Terrestrial Networks: Assisting Connectivity from the Sky
paper_authors: Wali Ullah Khan, Asad Mahmood, Chandan Kumar Sheemar, Eva Lagunas, Symeon Chatzinotas, Björn Ottersten
for: 本文研究了利用RIS-integrated NTN来实现下一代连接的潜力。
methods: 本文首先介绍了RIS技术的基础知识,然后介绍了最新的RIS-enabled NTN的进展。最后,它提出了一种基于当前状态的艺术的低地球轨道卫星(LEO)通信方案,其中用户端接收信号需要 traverse both a direct link和一个RIS链路,RIS被安装在高空平台(HAP)上,位于大气层中。
results: 本文 conclude by highlighting open challenges and future research directions to revolutionize the realm of RIS-integrated NTNs。Abstract
This paper studies the potential of RIS-integrated NTNs to revolutionize the next-generation connectivity. First, it discusses the fundamentals of RIS technology. Secondly, it delves into reporting the recent advances in RIS-enabled NTNs. Subsequently, it presents a novel framework based on the current state-of-the-art for low earth orbit satellites (LEO) communications, wherein the signal received at the user terminal traverses both a direct link and an RIS link, and the RIS is mounted on a high-altitude platform (HAP) situated within the stratosphere. Finally, the paper concludes by highlighting open challenges and future research directions to revolutionize the realm of RIS-integrated NTNs.
这篇论文研究了利用RIS(媒体赋能器)integreated NTNs(无线电传输网络)来开创下一代连接性的潜力。首先,它介绍了RIS技术的基础知识。其次,它详细报道了最新的RIS-启用NTNs的进展。然后,它提出了基于当前领域的最佳实践的一种新框架,该框架适用于低地球轨道卫星(LEO)通信,其中用户终端接收到的信号需要经过直接链路和RIS链路,而RIS被安装在高空平台(HAP)上,该平台位于大气层中。最后,论文指出了RIS-integreated NTNs的开放挑战和未来研究方向,以便在这个领域取得革命性的进步。
Variational Bayesian Approximations Kalman Filter Based on Threshold Judgment
results: 这篇论文通过了 simulate 实验评估了这个算法的精度和有效性,发现它可以妥善地估计状态和噪声参数。Abstract
The estimation of non-Gaussian measurement noise models is a significant challenge across various fields. In practical applications, it often faces challenges due to the large number of parameters and high computational complexity. This paper proposes a threshold-based Kalman filtering approach for online estimation of noise parameters in non-Gaussian measurement noise models. This method uses a certain amount of sample data to infer the variance threshold of observation parameters and employs variational Bayesian estimation to obtain corresponding noise variance estimates, enabling subsequent iterations of the Kalman filtering algorithm. Finally, we evaluate the performance of this algorithm through simulation experiments, demonstrating its accurate and effective estimation of state and noise parameters.
“非泊布变量测量噪音模型的估计是各领域中的一个重要挑战。实际应用中常常面临许多参数和高计算复杂性的挑战。本文提出了一个阈值基本 kalman 统计方法来在线上估计噪音参数的非泊布变量测量噪音模型。这个方法使用一定的样本数推导观测参数的方差阈值,并使用Variational Bayesian估计来取得对应的噪音方差估计,允许后续的kalman统计算法的迭代。最后,我们通过了 simulation 实验评估这个算法的精确和有效性。”Note: Please note that the translation is in Simplified Chinese, which is the standard form of Chinese used in mainland China and Singapore. If you need Traditional Chinese, please let me know.
Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces for Multiuser Downlink Beamforming in the Wave Domain
results: 研究结果显示,相比传统MISO系统,SIM-enabled wave-based beamforming设计可以提高总率约200%。Abstract
Intelligent metasurface has recently emerged as a promising technology that enables the customization of wireless environments by harnessing large numbers of inexpensive configurable scattering elements. However, prior studies have predominantly focused on single-layer metasurfaces, which have limitations in terms of the number of beam patterns they can steer accurately due to practical hardware restrictions. In contrast, this paper introduces a novel stacked intelligent metasurface (SIM) design. Specifically, we investigate the integration of SIM into the downlink of a multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) communication system, where a SIM, consisting of a multilayer metasurface structure, is deployed at the base station (BS) to facilitate transmit beamforming in the electromagnetic wave domain. This eliminates the need for conventional digital beamforming and high-resolution digital-to-analog converters at the BS. To this end, we formulate an optimization problem that aims to maximize the sum rate of all user equipments by jointly optimizing the transmit power allocation at the BS and the wave-based beamforming at the SIM, subject to both the transmit power budget and discrete phase shift constraints. Furthermore, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm for solving this joint optimization problem and elaborate on the potential benefits of employing SIM in wireless networks. Finally, the numerical results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed SIM-enabled wave-based beamforming design and evaluate the performance improvement achieved by the proposed algorithm compared to various benchmark schemes. It is demonstrated that considering the same number of transmit antennas, the proposed SIM-based system achieves about 200\% improvement in terms of sum rate compared to conventional MISO systems.
White paper on Selected Environmental Parameters affecting Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Sensors
paper_authors: James Lee Wei Shung, Andrea Piazzoni, Roshan Vijay, Lincoln Ang Hon Kin, Niels de Boer
For: This paper aims to explore the effects of different environmental parameters on LiDARs and cameras used in Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) to better understand their performance and weaknesses.* Methods: The study uses a LiDAR test methodology developed in the Urban Mobility Grand Challenge (UMGC-L010) White Paper on LiDAR performance against selected Automotive Paints.* Results: The paper identifies the weaknesses and challenges that LiDARs may face in different environmental conditions, informing AV regulators in Singapore of the effects of different environmental parameters on AV sensors and the need for more robust testing standards and specifications.Abstract
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) being developed these days rely on various sensor technologies to sense and perceive the world around them. The sensor outputs are subsequently used by the Automated Driving System (ADS) onboard the vehicle to make decisions that affect its trajectory and how it interacts with the physical world. The main sensor technologies being utilized for sensing and perception (S&P) are LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), camera, RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), and ultrasound. Different environmental parameters would have different effects on the performance of each sensor, thereby affecting the S&P and decision-making (DM) of an AV. In this publication, we explore the effects of different environmental parameters on LiDARs and cameras, leading us to conduct a study to better understand the impact of several of these parameters on LiDAR performance. From the experiments undertaken, the goal is to identify some of the weaknesses and challenges that a LiDAR may face when an AV is using it. This informs AV regulators in Singapore of the effects of different environmental parameters on AV sensors so that they can determine testing standards and specifications which will assess the adequacy of LiDAR systems installed for local AV operations more robustly. Our approach adopts the LiDAR test methodology first developed in the Urban Mobility Grand Challenge (UMGC-L010) White Paper on LiDAR performance against selected Automotive Paints.
自动驾驶车辆(AV)的开发现在启用了多种感知技术来感知和理解车辆周围的世界。感知输出后,车辆上的自动驾驶系统(ADS)使用这些输出来做出影响车辆轨迹和与物理世界之间交互的决策。主要的感知技术包括LiDAR(光探测和距离测量)、摄像头、RADAR(电波探测和距离测量)和超声波。不同的环境参数会对每种感知器的性能产生不同的影响,从而影响AV的感知和决策(DM)。在这篇文章中,我们探讨了不同环境参数对LiDAR和摄像头的影响,以便更好地理解LiDAR在AV中的弱点和挑战。这些研究结果可以让SG的AV规定者更好地了解AV感知器在不同环境下的性能,从而制定更加robust的测试标准和规范。我们采用了LiDAR测试方法学,根据城市 mobilit Grand Challenge(UMGC-L010)白皮书中的LiDAR性能测试方法。
Passive Eavesdropping Can Significantly Slow Down RIS-Assisted Secret Key Generation
paper_authors: Ningya Xu, Guoshun Nan, Xiaofeng Tao
for: This paper aims to maximize the RIS-assisted physical-layer secret key generation by optimizing the RIS units switching under the eavesdropping channel.
methods: The paper introduces a mathematical formulation to maximize the key generation rate and provides a step-by-step analysis.
results: The paper shows the effectiveness of the method in benefiting the secret key capacity under the eavesdropping channel, and observes that the key randomness and unmatched key rate are also significantly improved.Here is the same information in Simplified Chinese text:
for: 这篇论文目标是通过控制信号的相位和幅度来提高RIS协助的物理层密钥生成。
methods: 论文提出了一个数学形式来最大化密钥生成率,并提供了一步步分析。
results: 论文证明了这种方法在听说攻击channel下可以提高密钥容量,并观察到密钥具有更高的随机性和不匹配率。Abstract
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) assisted physical layer key generation has shown great potential to secure wireless communications by smartly controlling signals such as phase and amplitude. However, previous studies mainly focus on RIS adjustment under ideal conditions, while the correlation between the eavesdropping channel and the legitimate channel, a more practical setting in the real world, is still largely under-explored for the key generation. To fill this gap, this paper aims to maximize the RIS-assisted physical-layer secret key generation by optimizing the RIS units switching under the eavesdropping channel. Firstly, we theoretically show that passive eavesdropping significantly reduces RIS-assisted secret key generation. Keeping this in mind, we then introduce a mathematical formulation to maximize the key generation rate and provide a step-by-step analysis. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our method in benefiting the secret key capacity under the eavesdropping channel. We also observe that the key randomness, and unmatched key rate, two metrics that measure the secret key quality, are also significantly improved, potentially paving the way to RIS-assisted key generation in real-world scenarios.
智能表面协助物理层密钥生成(RIS)已经展示了为无线通信安全提供了巨大潜力,通过智能控制信号的相位和幅度。然而,先前的研究主要关注RIS的调整情况下理想的条件下,而实际世界中 correlate between the eavesdropping channel and the legitimate channel 的情况还是尚未得到了充分的探讨。为了填补这一漏洞,本文目的是通过最大化RIS单元的 switching 来提高RIS协助物理层密钥生成。首先,我们理论上表明了潜在的窃听者可以很大地降低RIS协助的密钥生成。鉴于这一点,我们然后引入了一种数学表述,以最大化密钥生成率,并提供了一步步分析。广泛的实验表明了我们的方法在窃听 Channel 下可以提高secret key capacity。我们还发现了两个秘密钥质量指标:key randomness 和 unmatched key rate 在窃听 Channel 下也有显著提高,这些指标可能为RIS协助的密钥生成在实际世界中开辟了新的可能性。
Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation for RIS Aided Full-Duplex Integrated Sensing and Uplink Communication System
paper_authors: Yuan Guo, Yang Liu, Qingqing Wu, Xiaoyang Li, Qingjiang Shi
for: This paper aims to jointly design beamforming, power allocation, and signal processing in a full-duplex (FD) uplink communication system aided by a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) to enhance the integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) capability.
methods: The paper proposes an iterative solution using convex optimization techniques, including majorization-minimization (MM) and penalty-dual-decomposition (PDD), to optimize all variables. Additionally, an low-complexity solution using alternative direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is developed to update all variables analytically and run efficiently.
results: Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms in enhancing the ISAC capability of the FD uplink communication system aided by RIS, with significant performance boosting achieved by employing RIS.Abstract
Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) capability is envisioned as one key feature for future cellular networks. Classical half-duplex (HD) radar sensing is conducted in a "first-emit-then-listen" manner. One challenge to realize HD ISAC lies in the discrepancy of the two systems' time scheduling for transmitting and receiving. This difficulty can be overcome by full-duplex (FD) transceivers. Besides, ISAC generally has to comprise its communication rate due to realizing sensing functionality. This loss can be compensated by the emerging reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) technology. This paper considers the joint design of beamforming, power allocation and signal processing in a FD uplink communication system aided by RIS, which is a highly nonconvex problem. To resolve this challenge, via leveraging the cutting-the-edge majorization-minimization (MM) and penalty-dual-decomposition (PDD) methods, we develop an iterative solution that optimizes all variables via using convex optimization techniques. Besides, by wisely exploiting alternative direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and optimality analysis, we further develop a low complexity solution that updates all variables analytically and runs highly efficiently. Numerical results are provided to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms and demonstrate the significant performance boosting by employing RIS in the FD ISAC system.
integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) capability 是未来网络的一个关键特性。 classical half-duplex (HD) 雷达探测是通过 "first-emit-then-listen" 方式进行的。一个实现 HD ISAC 的挑战在于两个系统的时间安排不同。这个困难可以通过全双工 (FD) 接收机来解决。此外,ISAC 通常需要牺牲其通信率,以实现探测功能。这个损失可以通过 emerging 可配置智能表面 (RIS) 技术来补偿。本文考虑了在 FD 上升通信系统中使用 RIS 的共同设计,包括扬声器、功率分配和信号处理。这是一个非 convex 问题,通过利用 cutting-the-edge 主要化-最小化 (MM) 和罚偿对偶 (PDD) 方法,我们开发了一个迭代解决方案,该方案通过使用几何优化技术来优化所有变量。此外,通过利用 alternative direction method of multipliers (ADMM) 和可行性分析,我们进一步开发了一个低复杂度的解决方案,该方案可以在分析方式下更新所有变量,并在高效地运行。 numerical results 表明我们提出的方法的有效性和高效性,并且通过使用 RIS 在 FD ISAC 系统中实现了显著性能提升。
Mean Field Game-based Waveform Precoding Design for Mobile Crowd Integrated Sensing, Communication, and Computation Systems
methods: 本文使用了 Mean Field Game(MFG)方法来解决大规模 ISAC 设备之间的互动问题。特别是,我们首先使用 MFG 方法将其他 ISAC 设备对其影响转化为平均场term,并 deriv 了 Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov 方程,这个方程模型了系统状态的演化。然后,我们 deriv 了基于平均场term的成本函数,并重新定义了波形预编码设计问题。
results: 我们的算法可以有效地解决大规模 ISAC 设备之间的互动问题,并且与其他基线比较,我们的波形预编码设计算法具有提高通信性能和降低成本函数的优势。Abstract
Data collection and processing timely is crucial for mobile crowd integrated sensing, communication, and computation~(ISCC) systems with various applications such as smart home and connected cars, which requires numerous integrated sensing and communication~(ISAC) devices to sense the targets and offload the data to the base station~(BS) for further processing. However, as the number of ISAC devices growing, there exists intensive interactions among ISAC devices in the processes of data collection and processing since they share the common network resources. In this paper, we consider the environment sensing problem in the large-scale mobile crowd ISCC systems and propose an efficient waveform precoding design algorithm based on the mean field game~(MFG). Specifically, to handle the complex interactions among large-scale ISAC devices, we first utilize the MFG method to transform the influence from other ISAC devices into the mean field term and derive the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation, which model the evolution of the system state. Then, we derive the cost function based on the mean field term and reformulate the waveform precoding design problem. Next, we utilize the G-prox primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm to solve the reformulated problem and analyze the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can solve the interactions among large-scale ISAC devices effectively in the ISCC process. In addition, compared with other baselines, the proposed waveform precoding design algorithm has advantages in improving communication performance and reducing cost function.
<>Translate the given text into Simplified Chinese.<>大数据收集和处理在移动众情 интеGRATED sensing、通信和计算(ISCC)系统中是关键,这些系统有各种应用,如智能家居和连接的汽车,需要大量的 интеGRATED sensing和通信(ISAC)设备来感知目标并将数据传输到基站(BS)进行进一步处理。然而,随着ISAC设备的数量增加,存在许多ISAC设备之间的互动,这些设备共享共享网络资源。在这篇论文中,我们考虑了大规模移动众情 ISCC 系统中的环境感知问题,并提出了一种高效的波形预编设计算法,基于 Mean Field Game(MFG)。specifically,为了处理大规模ISAC设备之间复杂的互动,我们首先使用MFG方法将其他ISAC设备的影响转化为均场项,并 derive the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation,该方程模型系统状态的演化。然后,我们 derive the cost function based on the mean field term,并重新定义波形预编设计问题。接着,我们使用G-prox primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm来解决重新定义的问题,并分析提案的计算复杂性。最后,实验结果表明,提案的算法可以有效地处理大规模ISAC设备之间的互动,并且相比其他基准,提案的波形预编设计算法具有改善通信性和降低成本函数的优势。