methods: 挑战使用 fixes the amplification stage of the hearing aid; 使用联合指标评估语音 inteligibilty和音质; 提供了基于 simulated和实际 Room Measurements两个评估集。
results: 五支队伍在 simulated evaluation set上进行了改进,但实际 measurement set上的表现远低于预期。 ongoing investigations 确定实际数据集和 simulated数据集之间的差异的原因。 被提出的可能的原因包括:测量中的投射器噪声、lower order Ambisonics 降低了系统利用 binAural cues的能力,以及实际和 simulated Room Impulse Responses之间的差异。Abstract
This paper reports on the design and outcomes of the ICASSP SP Clarity Challenge: Speech Enhancement for Hearing Aids. The scenario was a listener attending to a target speaker in a noisy, domestic environment. There were multiple interferers and head rotation by the listener. The challenge extended the second Clarity Enhancement Challenge (CEC2) by fixing the amplification stage of the hearing aid; evaluating with a combined metric for speech intelligibility and quality; and providing two evaluation sets, one based on simulation and the other on real-room measurements. Five teams improved on the baseline system for the simulated evaluation set, but the performance on the measured evaluation set was much poorer. Investigations are on-going to determine the exact cause of the mismatch between the simulated and measured data sets. The presence of transducer noise in the measurements, lower order Ambisonics harming the ability for systems to exploit binaural cues and the differences between real and simulated room impulse responses are suggested causes
Translated into Simplified Chinese:这篇文章报告了ICASSP SP Clarity Challenge:听说器增强器的设计和效果。场景是一个听众听取目标说话人在吵闹的家庭环境中。有多个干扰者和听众的头转换。挑战将第二个增强挑战(CEC2)中的增强阶段固定,并使用合并指标评估语音知能和质量。提供了基于模拟和实际测量的两个评估集。五支队伍在模拟评估集上超过基准系统,但实际测量集的性能远低。正在进行的调查是确定模拟和实际数据集之间的差异的原因。被提出的可能性包括测量中的传感器噪声、下一个Ambisonics阶段对系统利用耳后听觉信息的阻碍,以及实际和模拟房间冲击波的差异。
results: 这篇论文的结果表明,这种方法可以精确地模拟FIR系统,并且数值稳定。Abstract
This document defines a method for FIR system modelling which is very trivial as it only depends on phase introduction and removal (allpass filters). As magnitude is not altered, the processing is numerically stable. It is limited to phase alteration which maintains the time domain magnitude to force a system within its linear limits.
这份文档定义了一种简单的FIR系统模型方法,该方法只依赖于相位引入和消除(全通过滤波器)。由于大小不变,处理是数值稳定。它只限制相位变化,以保持时域大小,使系统保持在线性限制内。Here's a word-for-word translation:这份文档定义了一种简单的FIR系统模型方法,该方法只依赖于相位引入和消除(全通过滤波器)。由于大小不变,处理是数值稳定。它只限制相位变化,以保持时域大小,使系统保持在线性限制内。